Mirai Nikki - Another:World - Final Thoughts

This drama had a very different feel from the original story. I mean, the drama portrayed the story in a more serious tone. While in the original, it was more comedic, over-the-top and lots of crazy moments here and there. The Yuno character is also toned down. She was not as crazy as the Yuno in the anime. But the drama had showed how these characters would react in a survival game without all of the extremeness going on like in the original.

I didn't mind at all that Yuki (from the original series) was replaced by Arata. Compared to Yuki,  Arata is a much more stronger character. Arata is able to defend himself and can think logically through tough situations. But Yuki is more of a wimp and a coward who mostly runs away from things that he doesn't want face. He also relies a lot on Yuno in protecting him all the time.  However, Arata is able to protect himself even without Yuno's help. He even fights back to the people who are after him. But it could be the age difference or the maturity level that makes them act differently. Arata is a collage student and Yuki is a middle school student who is just scared shirtless, but I don't blame him.

Anyhow, the drama has seven contestants in the survival game. One person dies off in each episode. However, I really didn't sympathize with any of their deaths nor did I care about them. Despite that the drama showed a small backstory of each character, I still didn't find them to be that interesting. If they would had put some sort of meaningful character development, it would of had more of an emotional impact to the story.  But Yuno and Arata were the only ones who had a big development in this drama. In the end, it was all about Arata and Yuno's story and the other contestants were merely just extras.

I personally prefer the anime over the drama because it was the first adaptation I saw and I enjoyed it more. I liked its over-the-edge, and the thrilling suspense from the anime/original material. And, I think that the "Mirai Nikki" is meant to be over-the-top instead of the seriousness like in the drama. It's just much more fun that way. Plus, the characters in the original series had a more memorable backstory than the ones that were in the drama.  Although, I do appreciate the drama's original story, but I just didn't feel so emotionally drawn into their story.

Overall, this adaptation didn't make a big impression on me. But it told its story, got the job done and that's all it matters. However, for those of you who are looking for a good entertaining thriller and never heard of this series before, you'd might enjoy this more than I have.


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