Made in Abyss - Episode 2

I wanted to include episode 2 to the previous post because it shared some more interesting facts about the abyss. So, I’ll just write it here. 

We learn how the Abyss works. Depending on how far people traveled down in the abyss, they’ll experience physical illness as they return back to the surface. Like, in the first few layers, they’ll feel nauseas, headaches and ect. But if they’re traveling from a deeper level and back to the surface, it will result in a loss of humanity and even death. They call it the Curse of the Abyss. Not only that Cave Raiders have to worry about encountering scary creatures and falling off the edge, but also atmospheric pressure.
Wow, Riko is very thorough. 

Riko devices a plan to help Regu blend in with the crowd. She can’t keep hiding him in her room all day. All artifacts found in the pit must be turned in to the authorities. If the leaders or the principle of the orphanage find out about it, they’ll string her up naked. No joke, the principle will do that literally. (There’s something shady about that orphanage.) Riko’s plan worked by making up a story about Regu and his prosthetic robot arm. He joins the others Cave Raiders in training. They’ll take in any kids who are parentless and willing to be Cave Raiders.

We learn more about Riko’s parents. Her mother Lyza is the most well-known Cave Raider because she’s able to survive the Curse of the Abyss, expect for her father. During one of her expeditions, she was pregnant with Riko and thus she was born in the Abyss. But that doesn’t make Riko immune to the Curse of the Abyss. She was protected in a cocoon while her mother carried her back to the surface. Lyza drops her off to an orphanage to be looked after while she goes off to continue her expeditions. However, she has gone missing for more than 10 years.

People went below to try to find Lyza, but all they find that was left behind by her were her white whistle (high ranking status) and documentations of her Abyss research. In these research documents, she writes a message saying: I will be waiting in the Netherlands. (Oh great, she found hell). 

I just wonder if the children understand the gravity of their situation. Yeah, the Abyss seems like a paradise for uncovering many of her secrets, but it’s full of dangerous of things. If someone get assigned to dive deeper, there’s no knowing that they will return back alive and sane. I guess this will be a turning point for Riko to go down there and find her mother, knowing the risks she has to take. I see how this will be dark. 

I find the Abyss mythology very fascinating and intriguing and I'm looking forward to to seeing how everything unfolds. I won’t be doing recaps for each episode of this show. Maybe, I might do midpoint recap and then final thoughts.


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