Yuri!!! On Ice - Episode 4

I am liking the growing relationship between Yuri and Victor. Not in a romantic way, but a true friendship and mentor kind of way. This is not romance story, it’s about Yuri’s journey to find himself.

Starting off with some good news, there’s a new Grand Prix assignment coming up, where ice skaters compete internationally. But before Yuri can reach the GP, he has to start from the bottom again. He failed last year’s Nationals, so he’s going to have to compete locally first, in Japan.

Now we get into the deep stuff. We get some insight of why Yuri lacks confidence. He doesn’t like other people thinking of him as a weak person. This happen in his past where he pushed someone away, who only wanted to comfort him. He has never experienced this because most of his family, and friends, view him as a strong person and they all have faith in him that he will succeed. In short, he’s afraid of showing his vulnerable/softer side to others. Victor doesn’t think of him as weak, he admires him for who he is. He is willing to help Yuri on his journey to redeem himself.  Even if he has to play a role of a father, brother, or a boyfriend, he will do everything he can. 

Waiting for the next episode like...

Victor gives Yuri a chance to choose his own music and create his own choreography. In the past, Yuri has picked his own song before, composed by a friend of his, but it got rejected by his ex-coach. Because, he believed that this song is not going to make him win. Still, Yuri is going to standby his friend’s music he has chosen. He dubs the song “Yuri on Ice.” I can’t wait for what is sounds like. I bet that this song best represents Yuri as a person. This time, he’s not going to skate to win or care what everyone else thinks, he’s going to do this for himself. 

Oh, Yuri on Ice, please stop being so awesome. This show feels like I’m watching 5 or more anime shows. I’m happy camper if I only find one anime for the season that I really enjoy and I’m satisfied. Anyway, we are getting close to seeing the other skaters in actions, besides the main threesome characters. I’m excited for it.    

Meanwhile, in Russia


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