Top Gun: Maverick Review - An 80’s Movie Sequel Done Right

I watched this movie mainly because my dad really wanted to see it. I’m usually not interested in military themed stories with aircraft dogfights. If I had the choice, I would pass on it. But surprisingly, I came out of it being very entertained and I actually had good time.

After 30 years, “Maverick” (Tom Cruise) is called to return to the U.S Navy as an instructor for a Navy-Fighter Weapons School - Top Gun, where he trains a group of young pilots on a dangerous mission. They must destroy an unknown enemy’s uranium facility that poses a threat to the the US’s allies. Maverick teaches his young recruits flying techniques that is unorthodox and pushing them to extreme limits. But among the Top Gun team is “Rooster,” (Miles Teller) Goose’s son. Maverick is forced to confront with the traumatic past of Rooster’s father. High tensions between the two and causes a strife in the team. Maverick questions if he made the right call, as this mission may be a life and death situation. 

The story is quite simple and straight forward. You don’t need to watch the first movie to understand the story. In fact, I never finished watching the original. I only saw 20 min of it and then I turned it off because I was bored. However, the new movie is watchable for new and old audiences who grew up in the 80’s and saw the original. Even my dad loved the movie, which is great.

I liked that this movie goes back to the basics of more practical effects and less CGI. All of the actors had to go through a navy-pilot training in order to get accustomed to the G-force and flying in a jet. As well as, directing, acting, and operating the cameras while in air. So, what you are seeing are real reactions of what it feels like to be on a fighter jet. When you see all of this put together in the film, it turns into an exciting action sequence, like you're on a roller coaster ride. I do admire the hard work and talent that the crew put themselves in.   

Hollywood loves to milk more money from nostalgia by reviving old franchises. Remakes after remakes, turning them into terrible products that doesn’t live up to the standards of the original. But what makes Top Gun: Maverick stand out from the rest of them: it respects the lore, good story, good actors/characters, no political agenda, positive (unashamed) masculinity, patriotic and respects their audiences. It’s just a good old-fashioned popcorn movie.

As I am writing this, Top Gun: Maverick is still the number one grossing film. It’s already been a month and it’s going strong in the international market. Which is amazing! This proves that you don’t need the chinese market to make more money. China has banned this movie from being shown on their turf because of its’ pro-America and the Taiwanese flag on Cruise’s jacket. It’s not such a big loss because this shows that Hollywood can survive without china. I’d like to see more film companies to “grow some balls” and stop bending the knee to the CCP.

From what I’ve heard, Tom Cruise might be the last real Hollywood star. After all these years, he still has big star power to get people butts into the movie theaters. And, it’s not a Disney film nor any other superhero franchise. I respect Tom as an actor, he really put himself out there, and he is committed to the craft. He also stays away from the drama, especially politics, which is a good thing. Before the movie started, there was a short personal message by Tom, thanking the audience and saying, “this film is made for you.” It was very touching. Tom actually has class. Unlike some current celebrities, who shame people for not liking their films…it’s not a good look for them. (Oof!) 

Top Gun: Maverick is worth seeing in the movie theaters, if it’s still playing. The movie actually gives the audience want they want, a good story that respects the original franchise. A classic Americana film that makes everyone feel good, gives us hope, and have some fun again.


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