I'm Back...Kind Of
I'm back and I think I finally found my spark again. Lately, I've been expressing my opinions mostly on Twitter because I wasn't planning to return to my blog ever again. I also really needed to walk away from it to reset my priorities and life happens. But then, I started to realize that I miss blogging. I feel more comfortable here where I can just write freely (without character limitations) and I'm more creative on my blog than on Twitter. (in other words, twitter has become a cesspool and it's sucking the life out of me!)
So yes, I will be blogging again, I will blog on/off at my own pace. As usual, I will write short reviews/thoughts on doramas/anime that I'm watching. To be honest, I haven't really been keeping up with the latest shows: I got to where I've seen so many of them, everything feels the same. Also, I don't have time to watch everything. So, I will be very picky on what I watch. Maybe, I might go off topic, talk about other pop cultural things outside of the Japanese entertainment.
I'm human and I will always change my mind. I just want to be able to give myself a creative space and have fun. Updated 4.25.2022: Also, if I ever lose interest again, then that's fine by me. I'll bow out silently and say, "it's been a good run."
I'm doing this for myself and if anyone wants to come along, then welcome to my blog, Nostalgia Dessert (I swear this is the last time I will change the name).
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