Sailor Moon Crystal - First Impressions
The most anticipated anime of the summer has finally arrived. After being delayed and teasing us with their new merchandises, I'm here waiting patiently for the anime to happen, and it's finally here! Sailor Moon celebrates their 20th anniversary by creating a anime reboot.
I already summed up the over all story in the other post, so I'll just describe what sort of evil that Sailor Moon will be fighting against. And, that evil is led by Queen Beryl. She sends out her minions to help her to obtain the Legendary Silver Crystal. The minions use their powers to enslave innocent bystanders and suck up their energy. It's up to Usagi and other future sailor scouts to use their powers to stop them. Also, there's Tuxedo Mask, whose also after the Silver Crystal. The biggest mystery of the show is why are they after the Crystal?
Thoughts: It's been a really long time since I watched Sailor Moon. The last time I watched this series was when I was in elementary school. I don't remember the details of what happened in original anime. But I do remember some of my favorite moments in the anime like the transformation scenes, the different gadgets (Moon Tiara Boomerang) that Sailor Moon uses to defeat her enemies and her famous slogans such as: Tsuki ni kawatte oshioki yo! / In the name of the moon, I will punish you! It still never gets old. As I watch the new version, it took me back to the good old 90's.
I love the intermission stills. It's very pretty.
I do like the updated animation. Everything looks brighter, the animation looks smoother and it's in high definition. Although, I was a little disappointed that they used CGI for the transformation sequence. I really wanted to see their updated version in 2D animation. But oh well, I'm not going to make a big deal out it.
When I was kid I never had a big crush on Tuxedo Mask, but now I do.
I'm actually glad that the new series will be following the manga. I remember that in the original anime there were tons of episodic fillers just to strentch the series as long as possible. Hopefully in the new version, it will focus more on the main story and there will be less fillers.
Overall, I really did enjoy the first episode. I thought that I outgrew Sailor Moon, but I still enjoyed it as much as I did when I was a kid. I will definitely be watching this till the end. I'm looking forward how the story will unfold from the manga version.
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