Honey & Clover [Taiwan Drama] - Conclusion

From left to right: Morita, Yamada, Hugumi, Mayama, and Takemoto

I have just finished watching the Taiwan version of Honey & Clover drama which ended at episode 14. I thought that the drama was okay, and it wasn't that bad. What I liked about the drama is that it is very close to the manga. It was funny to see some of the scenes from the manga to come out onto the drama and I really did enjoy seeing it in live-action.

There were also a few cheesy scenes which was mildly funny and unnecessary. It felt like the drama mostly focuses on Rika/Mayama/Yamada and Hagumi/Morita situations more than Takemoto's situation, which we finally get to see developed at the end of this concluding series. As a side note, there were moments where Hagumi and Morita  interact with each other more often then they do in the original manga. So, if you are a fan of these two pairings, then you might enjoy a bit of the fan service. However, I think that the actors and actresses portrayed their characters did really well. Especially Eddie Peng who played as Morita did a really good job. His character's personality from the drama is exactly from the manga. Ito Chiaki, Japanese actress, who played as Hanamoto Hagumi, she really looked and acted like the character from the manga.

Ikuta Toma as Takemoto
The Japanese drama version was okay, I thought that the story was moving too fast. Also, the storyline changed a whole lot. The actor Ikuta Toma, who played as Takemoto, did a really good job acting as that character. In the end, I was able to connect with the character's emotions as I did with the anime.
I was disappointed with the live-action movie, the characters personality were different. It wasn't as interesting as the anime and the drama. Also, Sakurai Sho, I like him, but he did not protrayed Takemoto's character that well.
After watching many adaptation of Honey and Clover anime, movie, Japanese and Taiwan drama. Overall, I thought that the anime did the best adaptation of this manga. I hope that the Taiwan version is the last adaption of Honey and Clover.


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